Can it be that the summer is upon us? What a summer it promises to be! We are going to give our building a facelift. The time has come for the hard work of the Capital Campaign to be fulfilled. When we are finished our spirits will be lifted and our hopes raised as we enjoy a beautiful new place of worship and community and invite new friends and old to come and see what is happening here. I really believe that the improvements on our outward appearance will be reflected in our renewed spirit within to be a church that is alive and well and reaching out to the world around us, growing in number and in faith and in hope.
This is also the summer of
transition in our music program. Nancy and Charles will finally get
to enjoy their retirement from the music program after helping us out
this year as we waited for our new Director, Sebestyen Nyiro, to
arrive. The word is that he will be here on August 16 and will begin
a new era here at Holy Trinity. He is gifted and enthusiastic and
will be a student at Boston University as well. In the meantime we
have arranged for musicians to help us with worship through the
summer. Charles and Nancy’s last Sunday and the last Sunday for the
Choir until the fall was June 3. Susan Taormina will be at the organ
for worship on June 10.
Change is exciting. It can
also be upsetting. We need more than ever to pull together and work
with and for each other as we go forward. We will not all agree with
everything that happens but we can find ways to overcome our
differences with our shared love for this place and our mission in
Christ to be the light of the world, to love one another. Teresa of
Avila in the 16th
century wrote: Christ has no body now on earth
but ours, no hands but ours, no feet but ours, ours are the eyes
through which Christ’s compassion looks on the world, ours are the
feet with which he is to go about doing good, and ours are the hands
with which he is to bless us now.
With all that we have to
do let us never lose sight of who we are and why we are here. May
your summer be blessed with joy.