Saturday, January 26, 2013

Feb 2013 thru the looking glass

Kathleen Norris tells of a moment in time when she glimpsed something of the light. This is what she wrote: One morning this past spring I noticed a young couple with an infant at an airport departure gate. The baby was staring intently at other people, and as soon as he recognized a human face, no matter whose it was, no matter if it was young or old, pretty or ugly, bored or happy or worried-looking, he would respond with absolute delight. It was beautiful to see. Our drab departure gate had become the gate of heaven. And as I watched that baby play with any adult who would allow it, I realized that this is how God looks at us, staring into our faces in order to be delighted, to see the creature he made and called good, along with the rest of the creation. As Psalm 139 puts it, darkness is as nothing to God who can look right through whatever evil we've done in our lives to the creature made in the divine image.

Grace is the precious gift that encourages us to not give up hope for a world where evil deeds seem only to increase because grace overcomes deeds and can even change what we do by helping us to see who we really are, a child of God. Grace is more than just something that can fix something that is broken, it is the revelation that the broken thing is valuable itself as something that was made and can be broken but not lost. It is a reminder of our true self, our created self, the self made by God for love. Grace is not just an afterthought to heal the wounds of the moment; it is the place where we are from and the place where we are going. It is the place where we were whole and beautiful, where we find ourselves broken yet still beautiful in the eyes of God, and where we are healed, restored, recreated, made whole again, made new. In other words, grace is not just one category of experience; it is the context of all experience, of all creation, of life itself. By grace we can see God in each other.

And when we see God in each other it changes how we treat each other. It is easy to hurt an enemy who hates us but it is not so easy to hurt the beautiful child that God has made. When we experience grace, it is very personal. It can be described in a general way as a sense of well-being, of being loved without conditions, to intrinsically lovable by definition, though the details of how we experience these things may differ. One thing every experience of grace has in common however is the overwhelming desire to be gracious. It is as if one could no more stop the movement of grace than the movement of time itself. Once touched by God's grace we are compelled to touch others with God's grace. To hold back would be life trying to hold our breath.

If there is anything we aspire to be in this place it is a place where grace happens, where grace is present, where we see ourselves and each other as blessed by the grace of God in a world where there is hope because there is grace. It has been written that where sin abounds grace abounds even more. We need not be afraid but boldly and gently share the grace of God with the world as we meet it and so by the grace of God shall the world be transformed. Thanks be to God who delights in us. May we delight in God.
Blessings of grace, Larry.

Holy Trinity United Methodist Church ~ Danvers