Sunday, April 29, 2012

May 2012

Beloved: Be glad. Life is a good thing. I have a memory of one of the first times I became aware of this basic fact. I was playing shortstop. I was probably 10 or 11 years old. My glove was worn in and I felt like I could catch anything that came to me. I willed every ball to be hit to me. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. The dandelions covered the outfield. The infield dirt was warm and soft. My jeans and sneakers and t-shirt were as much a part of me that summer as my own skin. I could have played forever. Sometimes I laughed right out loud for no apparent reason. I didn’t know it then but I know now that I was experiencing the joy of being alive, of being happy, of being myself. I hope you have a similar memory that reminds you of what joy feels like.

Life is good but it has a way of wearing us down. Things happen. There are reasons to be sad. People get hurt. There are reasons to worry about things. Things go wrong. There are things that have to be done. I can’t play shortstop forever. I have other things to do. At the same time the flowers still bloom. The sun still shines. Baseball still happens. The children are beautiful. Love never stops happening. People find each other. The joy may get lost in the weariness and sadness but it never goes away. This is the promise of Easter and why Easter is so important not just for what happened but what continues to happen. Yes, I know this is May but May is still part of the Easter season and appropriately so for May is beautiful and alive and a reminder that life is good. Easter goes on even beyond the liturgical calendar. We are now and always the Easter people. It takes more than one day to celebrate Easter even the rest of our lives.
Easter is the confirmation that life is good. We are skeptical. We have our doubts and for good reason. We become afraid. When you play shortstop and become afraid of the ball the joy is gone and terror takes over. Sure bad things happen in every life. The problem is when we begin to expect the bad things to happen and give up on the good, even quit playing. Easter won’t let us forget that goodness wins just like in the old movies.
This may be hard to believe. Heck, those who were there had a hard time believing it. Who could believe it? It is impossible. And yet, we are still wondering, still hoping that it is too good not to be true. And we are still wondering and still hoping because what happened is still happening.
What is preserved in Paul’s letters, the Gospels and Acts, the rest of the New Testament canon and the traditions of the church is, thankfully, not merely an historical record. Rather it is the record of the encounter between people of faith and the living Lord, the Risen Christ. Those who have experienced this encounter know that it is historical. It occurs in time and space over and over again. Moreover, this encounter is as real as real ever gets. (Peter Miano, The Word of God and the World of the Bible)
Joy. How could we forget? How could we let it go from us so easily? Easter is as real as real ever gets. Life is good. Don’t be afraid anymore. Be glad. Be generous. Be happy. Be grateful. Play ball!
Peace and love. 

Holy Trinity United Methodist Church ~ Danvers